FMLA (Pexel)

Mandatory Contributions for Delaware Family and Medical Leave Law Commence January 1, 2025

The Healthy Delaware Families Act (HDFA) insurance program, which takes effect on January 1, 2026, is funded by a required contribution of 0.8% of each employee’s salary which begins on January 1, 2025.   Employers are required to contribute at least half of this amount but have the discretion to contribute more.

Employees who have worked for an employer for at least a year and have worked a minimum of 1,250 hours during that year, can access up to 12 weeks of paid family and medical leave for events that qualify such as taking care of a family member with health conditions that are serious, their own serious health condition, new childcare or bonding, or deployment of a family member.  During leave, HDFA protects employment and continues health benefits. Medical and family caregiving leave coverage is limited to a maximum of 6 weeks in any 24-month period which begins on the first day of leave. 

Employers with:

  • 25 or more employees during the previous 12 months are subject to both the parental and family caregiving and medical leave provisions.
  • 10 to 24 employees during the previous 12 months are subject only to the parental leave provisions
  • Less than 10 employees are not covered by HDFA.